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Showing posts from December, 2021

Recipe of Homemade Chocolate Praline Pecan Bars

Chocolate Praline Pecan Bars . This post may contain affiliate links which won't change your price but will share some commission. Another delicacy that I got to enjoy on two occasions is th…

Recipe of Super Quick Homemade Sunshines praline pudding cake

Sunshines praline pudding cake . Pour boiling water over batter (do not stir). Learn how to make Praline Pudding Cake. Here's another of those wonderful desserts that separates during baking…

Recipe of Any-night-of-the-week Chocolate Praline Layer Cake

Chocolate Praline Layer Cake . Top with second layer, praline side up; spread top with remaining whipped cream. Garnish with whole pecans and chocolate curls. Multi-layer CHOCOLATE PRALINE CAKE …